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The Chiropractic adjustment offered by Hometown Chiropractic often looks very much like a traditional adjustment. However, what sets us apart is that our focus is directed primarily towards the issue described to us by the patient. For example, if you have a neck complaint then that is primarily what Dr. Tyler will focus on that day. If a shoulder happens to be contributing to the neck pain then it will be addressed as well. If there are multiple areas of spinal complaint then they will be treated in order of severity. Dr. Tyler also specializes in many different extremity conditions including but not limited to, Plantar fasciitis, knee pain, elbow and shoulder pain, as well as many wrist and hand pain. Thus these will often get adjusted during the course of a typical treatment. We offer manual adjustments (with both prone and Cervical chair adjustments), Thompson drop, adjustments with an Activator for those who prefer it, as well as low impact mobilizations of the spine and extremities when the musculature will not allow full adjustments due to injury or hypertonicity.
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